COVID-19 and Summer

It can be difficult. Summer’s here and the kids are out of school and they all want to play everywhere, and be all over each other. And here you are being that parent who wants the kids to wear masks whenever they’re out and only socialize in limited ways.

Being a good parent to your kids has always been a bit of an opportunity to be pointed at and laughed at by others who disagree with your choices. Other parents may be scorned by you.

Try to be gentle with yourself as you make your own mind up about COVID-19 and your kids. Love your kids, and think about what will truly be best for them, not just now but when school reopens/doesn’t reopen/is some combination hybrid we’ve never seen before.

Parenting is hard work, and a pandemic doesn’t make it any easier. Be kind and do the best you can. And think about hiring a coach or virtual assistant if it will make your world a better place.