Change Management Expertise

When companies talk about Change Management, they don’t automatically think of Moms. But they should. There’s no better multitasker than a Mom, and no one whose world changes more frequently.

Whether it’s the entirety of pregnancy, the change of a newborn, the daily changes a child experiences accompanied by Mom, or the actual changing of a baby diaper, there’s so much a mother has to handle everyday, and though every day may be retold as the same, each and every day is different.

Moms also watch their kids grow and change, and they change along with them. Mom roles vary depending on the situation, although they always encompass love and devotion. Moms handle changes in others and have to adapt to the hundreds of changes in the household, the kids, the spouse. the outside job, the commute, and so on.

Corporations would do well to appreciate the change management skills of Moms!