Without a shadow of a doubt there is a lot of pressure on people these days. In the midst of a pandemic, children schooling from home, people are working from home, and the sense of home as somewhere to escape to has become the main center and may sometimes feel like somewhere to escape from.
In amongst all the other pressures, there’s a bit of encouragement in the form of One More Thing You Should Be Doing. If you’re exhausted, maybe it’s time to think about whether you could be doing enough.
If you’re looking for something else to do, because you have free time and extra energy, you could take University of Manchester Egyptian courses or learn to sew your own masks for yourself and others.
But what if you don’t have extra time and energy? What if you’re wrecked just by completing everything you have to, every single day?
That’s ok, too. And I invite you to cut yourself some slack, grant yourself some grace. If you have a meditation practice you are learning to do, you’ll know the art of doing something and doing nothing. That’s an important step to letting go of busyness.
Being busy is ok if you’re doing it because you have to or because you enjoy doing something. But there’s little to be gained by simply being busy. It can actually hurt you, too. If you force yourself busy so you don’t have to deal with the thoughts and feelings that are coming up for you, you’re doing yourself a disservice. So take some time for yourself and allow your feelings and thoughts to happen. And if you need someone to talk to, find yourself a mentor, a coach or a friend who’s willing and able to listen.