There’s something to be said for a species that can adapt to just about anything, and assign meaning to it, as well. But why? Why do we suggest suffering somehow makes us better people?
Discomfort in this instance should not be confused with learning new things and stretching and growing. What we’re talking about here is the absurd notion that suffering and being in pain is a quality to be admired.
Maybe what needs to happen is a review. If you’re suffering, there’s a reason for it. Can you make it better? Can you find a doctor or coach to help you through the tough times you’re experiencing? Really feel what’s going on. Are you sad? In pain? Angry? Get to know what you’re suffering, and feel it fully, with help if necessary, so that you can release it, get ongoing assistance, and move your energy onward.
That said, it can be other people whose energy keeps us down if we let it. Don’t let it and don’t be afraid to repel other people’s negativity when it comes your way.