You’ve probably heard from people that “everything happens for a reason” and how they’re “#blessed” and how nothing is ever wrong. This view may help in the moment but is very challenging to sustain long term, as things do, in fact, go wrong. Often.
In challenging times like this one, with coronavirus and quarantine, it stretches the nerves and the smile, to pretend nothing is the matter. People are falling ill. People are dying. If someone is pretending nothing is happening, there’s a real risk that someone isn’t paying attention.
Being positive can be looking for what’s good even in a tough situation. Someone quite old passes away, and you celebrate their life, rather than just mourn them. You gather with friends and family rather than allow yourself to be miserable that people aren’t permanent.
But someone who never recognizes that there are bad things happening in the world is not only possibly toxically positive, but also denying reality.
As an aside, if you’re mourning someone’s death and need to talk to someone, it may be time to find a counselor or life coach. Working through your feelings makes your life better.